Land Genie and Kitchen Gods Worshipping Ceremony and the Erection of the New Year’s Tree at Thăng Long Imperial Citadel

As part of the 2018 New Year’s Programme, on 7 February 2018 (eight days before the Lunar New Year), Thăng Long – Hà Nội Heritage Consevation Centre conducted a ceremony for the worshipping of the Land Genie and Kitchen Gods, release of carps and the erection of New Year’s Tree (cây Nêu). On this occasion, State President Trần Đại Quang and his spouse, together with representatives of the Vietnamese overseas community, paid homage and offered incense to the ancestral kings at Thăng Long Imperial Citadel.


In order to protect traditional cultural values, especially intangible cultural heritage, the Thăng Long-  Hà Nội Heritage Conservation Centre has step by step studied the traditional festival and ceremonies and the rituals normally associated with the Imperial Citadel of the past which will be restored to serve the domestic and foreign visitors. The incense offering ceremony and erection of the New Year’s Tree (cây Nêu) is a long-standing tradition of the Vietnamese people which takes various forms and purposes. Cây Nêu is erected in front of the house to ward off devils and herald in the Spring, bringing hopes of a happy, lucky new year with harmonious weather and bumper crops

The Programme also features many other interesting and original cultural activities including water puppetry, traditional martial arts, and folk arts to entertain the visiting public from within and beyond Vietnam.

During the first days of the new Lunar New Year, Thăng Long Imperial Citadel will continue to organize a wide range of traditional cultural activities with the highlights being water puppetry shows that take place from 18 to 20 February 2018 and incense offering ceremony conducted on 24 February 2018.

Some photos of the Programme


State President Trần Đại Quang, his spouse and the overseas Vietnamese delegation offering incense to former kings on the grounds of the old Kính Thiên Palace


Releasing birds


After the Land Genie and Kitchen Gods ceremony, the carps were set free to the old river inside the Archaeological Site at 18 Hoàng Diệu.


The erection of “cây Nêu” in front of South Gate (Đoan Môn)


Eager visitors attaching the terracotta ornamental pieces (khánh) to the cây Nêu, aspiring for security and happiness in the new year.


Overseas Vietnamese and other visitors enjoying a water puppetry show.


Performance of Thăng Long Festive Drums


Water puppetry performance.


Martial arts performance


Old people performing Taiji.

Thăng Long – Hà Nội Heritage Conservation Centre

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